Pulling Back the Curtain on the Lies, Hypocrisy, and the Great Debates That Define our Lives.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Hank and His Rowdy Mouth
Monday, October 10, 2011
We're Mad As Hell part duh
Sunday, October 9, 2011
We're As Mad As Hell
Another point that politicians and mass media political pundits have a problem grasping is the notion that every man, woman and child on the face of the planet have an inalienable human right, to peacefully gather and petition their representative governments for political redress.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Meet The New Boss...Same As The Old Boss
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Pay As You Go
Monday, August 22, 2011
It’s About Time

After 15 years and some heated debate, the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial in Washington makes it long awaited debut at the National Mall. The memorial is a 30-foot granite sculpture of the prominent civil rights activist, and is flanked by a crescent–shaped wall inscribed with 14 excerpts from Dr. Kings most notable sermons and speeches.
According to Harry Johnson Sr., president and CEO of the MLK National Memorial Project Foundation, “This is going to a first in two different ways—it’s the first memorial on the National Mall to honor a man of peace, and a man of color.”
Building a permanent tribute to the globally revered icon was a long and arduous process that tested the determination and faith of the team behind the project. The vision to build a national memorial dedicated to Dr. King was initially conceived in 1984 by Alpha Phi Alpha, the African-American fraternity of which King was a member. Congress authorized the memorial in 1996, and two years later the Alphas set up a foundation to manage fundraising -- to the tune of $120 million -- and design.
While his legacy has been reduced to snappy catch phrases, ‘limited series’ postage stamp collections and Federal Holidays dedicated to the proposition that all American’s can devoutly worship at the altar of rampant consumerism, ultimately it is much more than a trip to the mall or a quick sound bite on TV during “Black History” month.
The true measure of the man we know as the leader of the American Civil Rights movement is actually more about the “message” that he, as well as other abolitionists and revolutionaries throughout history have given their lives to uphold and defend: the message of healing and unconditional love. Dr. King sought the integration of the spiritual and the intellectual, he asked us to go beyond ourselves and tap into the transcendent moral ethic of love.
Dr. King was the spiritual leader of our nation; he was the Commander in Chef of the war on racism, hate and inhumanity—the war for the soul of our nation. This war still rages on today, three years after the election of America’s first black President. This should not be the case, but tragically, it is. The price of freedom demands eternal vigilance, even more so when we speak of the ugly and odious specter of established racism. Perhaps the human heart will never truly free itself of fear and hate—but I refuse to accept this conclusion. The human race is made of finer stuff, and therefore, the warriors of light and love can never rest until the war is finally won…
But for the time being, right in the heart of our nations capital, bordering Washington, D.C.'s Tidal Basin between the Jefferson and Lincoln memorials, stands a 30-foot granite statue that captures the vision of one man who dared dream of freedom, opportunity and justice for all Americans.
It’s About Time.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Too Little, Too Late

Ohio Gov. John Kasich wants to negotiate a compromise on the anti-collective bargaining law known as Senate Bill 5. The highly controversial bill sharply restricts collective bargaining, ends binding arbitration and bans worker strikes for all state and local public employees.
Perhaps because of the sobering results of Wisconsin’s’ recall elections, or his sharp decline in job approval rating Kasich held a news conference to publicly ask union leaders opposed to SB5 to meet with him and other Republican leaders.
According to Kasich his sudden epiphany and willingness to talk and negotiate with union leaders has nothing to do with efforts to repeal the law, or a recent Quinnipiac poll that shows the measure being defeated by double-digit margin.
Senate Bill 5 which was signed into law on March 31 has dominated the Ohio political landscape for months and has galvanized staunch opposition from all quarters. Boisterous and intense rallies in the Statehouse have drawn huge crowds. One rally in particular attracted more than 8,000 people, which in turn prompted Kasich and his cronies to lock the Statehouse door to keep opponents out. Those types of strong-arm tactics drew national media attention.
Unfortunately the working and middle class in Ohio didn’t take kindly to being shut out of their Statehouse and decided to collect 1.3 million signatures demanding the repeal of SB5. WE Are Ohio spokeswoman Melissa Fazekas, who was waiting outside Kasich’s Statehouse office, made it clear that the time for talk and foot dragging was long past.
"These politicians who passed Senate Bill 5 have the ability to come back and repeal the law," she said. "And that is what they should do, repeal the entire law. Or they can join us and vote no in November on Issue 2."
Gov. Kasich and the Republican leadership in Ohio rammed SB5 down the throats of the people of Ohio, they locked the doors of the Statehouse to keep opponents out and they made a mockery out of the democratic process. They own SB5 and they are going to defend it to the bitter end, and they will do anything, including standing before the cameras at a press conference and asking the people who they ignored and victimized, “hey lets talk.”
In most cases, an honest an open debate is the way to go. Democracy is dependent on compromise and respect for differences of opinions. Unfortunately Gov. John Kasich and Scott Walker in Wisconsin see the democratic process as something to be discarded when it stands in the way of their political aims. They talk real tough when the game is rigged in their favor, but when the voters take up the call to arms and stand against them, and then they have an epiphany and run to the cameras to plead their case. In the case of Senate Bill 5, the time for talk was 197 days ago when Gov. Kasich ignored the will of the people he works for.
1.3 million voters have already spoken and their message is succinct and clear, “Too Little, Too Late.”
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Why ask Why?

Nouriel Roubini, the well known economist that predicated in 2005 the housing bubble would cause an economic crisis in America, says that former President George W. Bush is to blame for America's current economic crisis. Well duh!
Roubini, or Dr. Doom as he has been labeled because of his dour outlook on the state of our economy, claims that there are five factors that have led to our current fiscal condition.
1. We cut taxes.
2. We spent $2 trillion on two unwinnable wars.
3. We doubled discretionary spending. Some conservatives originally aimed to "starve the beast" or big government by cutting taxes in order to force future cuts in spending. But spending grew so out of control in Bush's term that no beast was starved, Roubini said. In fact, the beast was fed.
4. We added entitlement benefits like the Medicare drug benefit.
5. We entered the largest economic and financial crisis ever, which caused a huge increase in the deficit through the "recession deficit" and the cost of bailing out the banks and financial institutions.
According to Roubini, "We destroyed our fiscal sustainability before [President Obama] came to power. We had guns and butter and low taxes. It doesn't work. If you want guns and butter, you should have high taxes during wars."
The "guns or butter" portion of his statement refers to the macroeconomic model, that says that a nation must choose between defense spending or civilian spending, or some combination of both. In other words you cannot throw a big party without paying for it, or, you better have money in your checking account to cover that big purchase.
Of course most well informed and intelligent people (the operative word being "intelligent") understand that when President Obama came to power, he inherited a budget deficit of $1.2 trillion. When Bush came to power, the country had a surplus of $300 billion. But that is not going to get any traction at Fox News. Its easier to play the victim rather than take credit for the mess your political party helped create. And sadly it far easier to stand on the side line and call President Obama an outsider, and "a non citizen of the United States" and vilify him as Satan incarnate rather than help him fix the mess.
Remember, the "Hell No Party" want him to be a one term President, and they are perfectly willing to allow the middle class and the American economy go into the abyss to accomplish their short-term aims.
To be sure there is more than enough blame to go around in Washington, our lack of leadership in Congress has contributed to S & P's credit downgrade which made Wall Street very unhappy last week, which in turn made all our 401k's very unhappy. But re-litigating who should shoulder the blame and how we came to this sad predicatment isn't going to solve the problems we face as a nation.
We are here, and it is now. We need Jobs, Jobs, and more Jobs. The middle class needs help and the time for cute sound bites, and empty promises is over.
The time for "Why Ask Why?" is over.
The time has come for all our elected leaders to do the unthinkable and do their jobs and actually lead...
Monday, August 15, 2011
Tax the Rich… What A Concept
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Corporate Greed At Its Finest.

The Verizon Strike of 2011 is not about Health Care!
If it were about Health Care there would be no work stoppage.
The Verizon Strike of 2011 is about one thing only: Corporate Greed!
Verizon wants to accelerate the outsourcing of American jobs to other countries by removing all aspects of job security from upcoming contracts, to freeze all pension for current workers, and completely eliminate them for future employees, slash sick time, eliminate disability payments for injured workers, eliminate holidays (including Veterans Day) and completely gut health care plans for current and retired workers.
Verizon wants to bust the CWA and the IBEW unions, then take the 45,000 unions jobs and outsource them.
Some fun Facts:
Verizon claims that the landline portion of its network is in decline and not profitable, yet they fail to mention that landlines are the backbone network of their FIOS, DSL & Wireless operations. They want you to think that there is no need for a landline because they want their FIOS & DSL to be classified as “internet or data” instead of exactly what they are: landlines. Every cell tower connects to a landline network. Without Verizon’s landline business they would have no wireless business!
Despite making $ 19.5 billion in profits and paying out $258 million to its top five executives in the last four years, Verizon wants to take back more than 50 years of collective bargaining and destroy middle class jobs.
The President of Verizon makes $55,000 a day, and has free, lifetime medical coverage.
Verizon has paid $0 in federal corporate income taxes over the last three years.
Verizon received nearly $1 billion in tax benefits from the federal government (your money) over the last three years, how much has the average American worker received in tax benefits?
Yet again…the Verizon strike of 2011 is about plain Corporate Greed.
The American Middle Class is under siege and its time to circle the wagons and defend the homestead.
One last thing…I am CWA member who is fighting for the future of my children and the American Dream.
Can You Hear Me Now!
Pining for Them Good Ole Days

The shame of it all…
The party of Lincoln, as it has been called, was formed to fight the expansion of slavery into the western territories. It was formed by a merger of the old Whig party and the abolitionist movement that was committed to the end of slavery as an American institution. In 1860 the Republican candidate, Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States. He became a symbol of the party for all the generations to come.
Flash forward a hundred fifty years. The Republican Party of the new millennium is now the party of “no”, big money, hate-speech, and Fox News propaganda sound bites. If your in the mood for real uninspired debate, and follow-the leader pledges of
"no taxes ever" then all you need to do is watch the results of the Iowa Straw poll. U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota won. Unfortunately this is the choice that Regan-conservative's are having to deal with.
Sadly the Republican party of today expresses itself more with decidedly militant rhetoric, compassion-less posturing, harmful policy, and unfocused “Teabagger” rage. The Republican party of the 21-century is nothing if not consistent…they want to win at all cost, and they don’t care about the truth, civility, constitutional law, informed public debate, bipartisanship and good old fashion decency.
The GOP is a train wreck unfolding as we speak, and worst of all, their so-called cynical, obstructionist leadership amounts to providing their fellow citizens with misinformation, stroking irrational fears, and sabotaging our government. Let it burn to the ground is the new slogan. Rising the Debt Ceiling...hell no! Rising Taxes On the Wealthiest Americans...hell no! Curbing Military Expenditures...hell no! Approving a Jobs Creation Bill...hell no! Putting America Back to Work... hell no!
And lets be honest… The GOP of the 21-century would shun Abraham Lincoln if he were alive today. And they would also reject Ronald Regan. He increased taxes during his presidency, and that is a major no-no in the GOP today. The party of Lincoln is dead, and in its place is a party that does the bidding of its corporate overlords like the Koch Brothers, or Karl Rover and his Super Pac buddies. The grand ole party has become the party of hell no.
The party of hell no is not interested in putting the needs of the American people first. They want to win no matter the cost and they are using every trick in their magic bag to make that happen. The 2012 Presidential campaign is going to be one hell of a ride.