Sunday, November 20, 2016

Buyers Remorse

Most establishment elites and media pundits have called Trump supporters a bunch of angry, mostly white, uneducated racist. To be sure a vast majority of them fall into that category, but a lot are simply working class voters who have been left behind by globalization. In the rust belt states, factories have closed and moved their operations to less developed countries, high levels of unemployment and drugs have decimated thriving communities, and the American dream has become a month-to-month hardship.

Needless to say, many people are really hurting, and the powers that be, Democrats and Republicans have been tone deaf to all the warning signs.

Donald Trump got elected because many people wanted change, and they were desperate. They believed his bold promises and his outrageous lies. After all, a completely incompetent businessman, with no political experience, and no sense of human decency is a far better choice to be our 45th President than an establishment candidate like Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton.

So therefore, Trump supporters voted to burn down the house. In the short term it feels good, however, in the long run they will come to realize that they have been bamboozled.

This is what Trump supporters have to look forward to.

One Trillion dollars in infrastructure spending. Sounds good, but his plan, which is nonsensical, depends on private investors footing most of the bill. The GOP is already baulking at the cost while the Democrats are cheering it on.

Tax reform. His tax plan is estimated to reduce government revenues by $9. 5 Trillion over a decade. The rich will get huge benefits, meanwhile the poor and middle class will get stuck with the bill. The national debt will explode out of control.

Getting rid of TPP or NAFTA. Protectionism sounds good, but his plan would lead to a trade war. Going after China for its trade polices could up end costing the United States 7 million jobs! Also, this type of trade policy would most likely lead to an economic recession.

Building the WALL! First, Mexico is not going to pay for it. Second, the 2000 mile long Wall would cost around $25 Billion to build, and at least $750 million annually to maintain.

Deporting 7 million illegal immigrants. Mass deportation would cost the American taxpayer between $400 and $600 Billion. Also, mass deportation would reduce our economy by 6 percent, or $1.6 Trillion dollars, over 20years.

My point is this: Trump supporters are going to get royally screwed!

Their return on investment will result in higher taxes, fewer jobs, higher prices on goods and services. Oh … lets not forget, if Obama Care is repealed and not replaced, the loss of health insurance coverage for millions of Americans and much higher premiums.

Lets not even talk about our moral standing on the world stage and what our partners in NATO are thinking.

Buyer’s remorse is not going to be fun or pretty. A lot of people across America are going to wake up a year from now and realize that they burned down the house in which they live in.

However, there is some good news.

Every two years Americans get to go to the ballot box and throw the bums out. If the last ten years are any indication, the American people will get angry again, and the House of Representatives will flip from red back to blue.

Democracy in action is not boring.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Pendulum Is Always In Motion

Victories in politics are short-lived. The pendulum is always in constant motion and the joy of victory today turns to the anguish of defeat tomorrow. 

The election victory of the anti-Christ of NY has caused many people a lot of sleepless nights and severe anxiety. To be sure, losing the election hurt and stings but let’s dry our tears, moblize, and take back our governement and restore our standing among the global community.

Quick reminder, in 2004 President Bush was reelected with a huge majority. At the time, he said that his victory  had given him a lot of political capital that he intended to spend. In short order, he decided to try to privatize Social Security and make his Bush era tax cuts permanent.

So what ended up happening? 

The Democrats and the American people mobilized and faster than you can say “round 'em up and smoke 'em out” they defeated the attack on Social Security. And two years later, Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House followed two years later by the election of Barrack Obama. By the way, the Bush ear tax cuts never became permanent.

The take way from all this:  the pendulum is always in motion and defeat turns to victory and vice versa.

The GOP and the alt-right won huge on November 8th. Even though I hate the outcome, I congratulate them. To the victor goes the spoils, etc, etc.

That being said, the thrill of victory will be short-lived. The agenda of the anti-Christ of NY and the GOP is DOA!

And no amount of feel good, political correctness by President Obama, Hillary Clinton, the DNC or media pundits on cable TV is going to change that. 

If the protests that are sweeping across our nation are any indication, the American people are horrified and disgusted, and they are going to mobilize, and they are going to be relentless, and they are going to give the Congress back to the Democrats in 2018 and the White House in 2020.

Don’t believe me?

Consider this … in the last ten years the American people have changed governments every two years. Democrats to Republicans, back and forth.

Nothing in politics is permanent.

The tears and anguish of today will turn to laughter and joy tomorrow.

Love him or hate him, Donald Trump and his ideology of intolerance and hate will eventually be replaced.

And America will keep marching forward.

And the pendulum will keep swinging.

Friday, November 11, 2016


The American people have decided to vote against their best interest and make the anti-Christ of NY its 45th President. Yes I know, Hillary Clinton was a flawed candidate that many people, myself included, didn’t want in the race, but she was also, the most educated, dignified and qualified person for the job.

But instead we got a xenophobic, racist that has the intellectual curiosity of a monkey and is complete failure as a businessman. But he is going to make America Great Again, so I guess that makes all his hate and intolerance acceptable.

Much to Hillary Clinton and President Obama’s credit they have said that we are not Democrats or Republicans, but Americans, and as such, we need to support the President elect. WE need a peaceful transition of power. Nice sentiments and very sensible and classy. But it’s that type of gutless thinking that has consigned the Democrats and America to the shame and horror of a mean-spirited, poor excuse for a human being getting the nuclear launch codes in January 2017.

Let’s be clear … now is not the time to be doves, and engage in political correctness. Now is the time to stand up to all the bullies, liars, conmen, haters, and idiots and FIGHT!

In case the election results haven’t sunk in, America has taken a huge step backwards. Instead of moving boldly into the future we have decided to go backwards and have shown the world how to destroy a great nation from within. In case Democrats and the media pundits don’t get it, WE ARE AT WAR! 

And we better start fighting to win, because the heart and the soul of our nation are at stake! The anti-Christ of NY will make good on all his campaign talking points if we don’t stop him.

To everyone who truly loves this country and is disgusted by the events of November 8th, I urge you to channel your anger and FIGHT! Dedicate yourself to the cause, mobilize, protest, and take no prisoners. In the short term, to paraphrase Sen. Mitch McConnell, our job is to make Donald Trump a one term President! We need to show him and all his “birther” lackeys the same level of compassion and respect that they have shown President Obama and the American people for the last eight years.

However, the long-term goal needs to be: the COMPLETE defeat of the GOP, to drive them out of power in State Houses and in Congress. The party of Lincoln has become the party of obstructionism, hate and intolerance. America needs to be rid of the alt-right and anyone who breaks bread with them.

America and our way of life is being threatened by neo-conservative/fascist and we must answer the call and defeat them.

Yeah, we lost the election, and that really doesn’t feel good. But here is the good news … were going to mobilize and win the war!

America is bigger and better than one election or President elect.

Time to take back our country.

Lets get to work!